Male, born 1981


In 2008, Morefield became locally known in Seattle, WA, for renting a booth at the Ballard Sunday Farmers Market and selling architectural advice for 5 cents. Two years later, he was featured in a New York Times article entitled, "Architect, or Whatever," that profiled the difficulties young architects were having finding employment in their chosen profession and their strategies to cope with joblessness. The numbers of architects out of work in 2010 was grim. According to the Times article: "According to the latest data available from the Department of Labor, employment at American architecture firms, which peaked last July at 224,500, had dropped to 184,600 by November." This attrition of 40,000 does not match the profession's depths in the 1930s, but its severity is unparalleled in post-war America. Despite his seemingly desperate strategy of putting up a booth at a farmers market to attract business, Morefield, the Times reported, still earned over $50,000 in 2009.

PCAD id: 5246