Male, born 1919-04-13

Associated with the firms network

Christenson, Waldo B., Architect; Hall, Graves and Dykeman, Associated Architects; Hall, Harold Wendell, Architect

Professional History


Assistant Engineer, U.S.E.D., 1941-1942.

Reservist, United States Naval Reserve, 1942-1945.

Draftsman, Waldo Christenson, Architect, Seattle, WA, 1946-1947.

Associate, Hall, Graves and Dykeman, Architects, Everett, WA, c. 1949- .

Principal, Harold W. Hall, Architect, Everett, WA, 1956.

Professional Activties

Member, American Institute of Architects, Washington State Chapter, c. 1955.

Hall was a Registered Architect in the State of WA in 1955.


B.S., Washington State College, Pullman, WA, 1941;

President, Scarab, Washington State College, Pullman, WA, 1940;


Hall married in 1942;

When surveyed in 1955, Hall indicated having had 4 children;

When surveyed in 1955, Hall reported having traveled in England, France and Japan.

PCAD id: 5202