Male, born 1857-02-06, died 1947-04-10

Associated with the firm network

Flagg, Ernest W., Architect

Professional History


Partner, Flagg and [John Prentiss]Benson, Architects, New York, NY, 1891- ; Partner, Flagg, Benson and [Albert Leverett] Brockway, Architects, New York, NY, -1894. Partner, Flagg and Chambers, Architects, New York, NY, 1894- .

Principal, Ernest W. Flagg, Architect, New York, NY.

Professional Activities

President, Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, New York, NY, 1912-1913.



Coursework, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France, 1889–1891. A cousin by marriage, Cornelius Vanderbilt II (1843-1899), provided the influence and funding to send Flagg to the École.



Born in Brooklyn, NY, Ernest W. Flagg came from a well-established and connected family, some of whose members married into great wealth.


His father was Jared Bradley Flagg (1820-1899), an artist and, later, Episcopal minister. As a young man, Jared took painting lessons from his uncle, the painter and poet, Washington Allston (1779-1843), renowned for his landscapes and portraits.

His sister was Louisa Flagg Scribner, who married into the Scribner's publishing family.


He married Margaret E. Bonnell in 1899.

Associated Locations

PCAD id: 4177