Male, born 1865

Associated with the firm network

Valk, A. Lawrence, Architect

Professional History


Draftsman, A.F. Rosenheim, Architect, Los Angeles, CA, 1905.

Principal, A.Lawrence Valk, Architect, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1914. Valk became Registered Architect #345 in the State of California.


In an ad published in the Los Angeles Times, 10/16/1906, Valk was called "Prof. A. Lawrence Valk."



An advertisement placed in the Los Angeles Times, 3/13/1904, indicated that Valk had recently arrived from New York City. In 1905, Valk lived at 1010 West 23rd Street in Los Angeles. (SeeLos Angeles, California, City Directory, 1905, p. 1470.)

PCAD id: 4080