
Associated with the firm network

Huntington and Litle, Building Contractors

Professional History

Partner, Huntington and Litle, Building Contractors, c. 1890, Tacoma, WA. The Polk Tacoma City Directory indicated that the industrious pair worked as "contractors, builders and brick mnfrs yards [sic]."


In the 1889 Tacoma City Directory, a John Huntington manufactured bricks in partnership with John D. Litle.


Born in England c. 1847, Huntington came to the US by about his twentieth year. He lived as a widower in the 51-year-old widow Louisa Scharfenberger's rooming house in 1910 at 105 (or 109) North Tacoma Avenue in Tacoma, WA. In 1920, John Huntington lived with his son, Edward and his wife, Clara, at 1014 South 19th Street in Tacoma, WA. The US Census of that year noted that John had been born in England, and migrated to the US in 1866. It indicated that he had been naturalized in 1872. In the US Census of 1930, a "John Huntington," 80 years of age, was listed as a patient in the Pierce County Hospital Annex, Tacoma, WA.

John Huntington married a woman, Mary, (born c. 1852 in Germany).

Huntington had at least five sons, Albert (born c. 1872 in WA), Edward, (born c. 1876 in WA or OR), Joseph (born c. 1877 in WA), Stanley (born c. 1879 in WA) and Percy (born c. 1880 in WA). In 1892, the eldest, Albert, worked as a bricklayer. (The State and Territorial Census of 1892 noted that John was a brick maker.)

PCAD id: 3808