Male, US

Associated with the firms network

Pugh + Scarpa, Architects; Pugh Scarpa Kodama Architects (PSK Associates); Siegel, Jennifer, Architect

Professional History

Member, American Institute of Architects;

Lawrence Scarpa delivered the NAC Lecture at the University of Washington, Department of Architecture 2009 Winter Lecture Series, Friday, April 3, 2009, 6:30 PM, Architecture Hall 147; his statement advertising the event read as follows: "There is poetry in prosaic daily elements. We feel it is the architect's duty and challenge to seek out these commonplace, even throw-away materials, and put them to extraordinary uses. The recognition of an ordinary material used in an extraordinary way brings unexpected delight to the experience of architecture."


Recipient, Record Interiors from Architectural Record Recipient, National AIA Honor Award for Design Excellence, Colorado Court Recipient, Top Ten Green Building Award National Award Recipient, National AIA PIA Award for Design Excellence Recipient, AIACC Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Colorado Court Recipient, Rudy Brunner Prize Finalist, World Habitat Award Recipient, National Endowment of the Arts Grant (Livable Places); 2002 Recipient, National AIA Honor Award for Design Excellence, XAP Corporation Recipient, $50,000 National Endowment of the Arts Grant for Livable Places Recipient, AIACC Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Bergamot Artist Lofts Recipient, AIACC Honor Awards for Design Excellence, The Firm Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Youbet Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Davie Brown Entertainment Recipient, $1,000,000.00 Operational Grant from Irvine Foundation for Livable Places 2001 Recipient, National AIA Honor Award for Design Excellence, Reactor Films Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, XAP Corporation Interiors Magazine ³Project of The Year² Small Office Design, The Firm Recipient, Westside Prize for Urban Design Recipient, Los Angeles Business Council Design Award Recipient, $500,000.00 Grant for Alternate Energy Research and Implentation 2000 Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Reactor Films Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Bergamot Artist Lofts Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, The Firm Recipient, LA/AIA Honor Awards for Design Excellence, Click3xLA Recipient, Westside Prize for Urban Design 1999 National Award for Excellence, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA); 1997 Citation Award, Design Excellence in Architecture and Public Art awarded by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs 1996 Selected, Academy of Architecture Arts and Sciences, Top 39 Architects Under Age 39 Citation Award, Building Integrated Photovoltaics Design Competition. 1995 Recipient, AQMD Research Grant ($40,000.00) for Solar Design & Research Finalist, ³First Interstate International Affordable Housing (with Roger Sherman); Competition², ($25,000.00 Prize) South Central Los Angeles 1998 Winning Entry, Follansbee Steel International Design Competition 1985 Recipient, American Institute of Architects ³Henry Adams Metal²

PCAD id: 352