Female, born 1927-01-14, died 2005-04-17

Associated with the firm network

Armet and Davis, AIA, Architects

Professional History


Secretary/Designer, Eugene Choy, Architect, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1949.

Designer/Associate, Armet and Davis, Architects, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1950- . She spent most of the 1950s working in the Armet and Davis office on such important commercial projects as Norm's, Figueroa Street (c. 1950), Romeo's Times Square Restaurant (1955), the Holiday Bowl (1957), and Pann's Restaurant, Westchester, (1958). She contributed to the creation of what historian Alan Hess has called Southern California's Googie Architecture.



B.A. Civic Planning, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), 1949.



Helen Liu Fong was born in Los Angeles's Old Chinatown neighborhood. She attended the University of California, Berkeley between 1946-1949, but came back to Los Angeles to work.

She remained in Southern CA for the rest of her life. Fong died of cancer in a Glendora, CA, hospice, at the age of 78.

SSN: 556-32-4367; Fong specialized in laying out the interiors of Armet and Davis's many restaurants in Southern California and elsewhere.

Associated Locations

  • Glendora, CA (Architect's Death)
    Glendora, CA

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    Fong died in a hospice in Glendora, CA.

PCAD id: 3169