Male, born 1906-01-19, died 1995-07-01

Associated with the firm network

Reynolds and Chamberlain, Architects

Professional History

Draftsman, E.Geoffrey Bangs, Architect, 1930-1932; unspecified federal government service, 1935-1940; Partner, Reynolds and Chamberlain, Oakland, CA, Architects, 1937- ;

Reynolds joined the American Institute of Architects (AIA), East Bay Chapter, in 1945; Vice-President, AIA, East Bay Chapter, 1952; President, AIA, East Bay Chapter, 1953; Vice-President, AIA, California Council of Architects, 1953. (See "California Council of Architects," Architect and Engineer, 08/1953.) President, AIA, California Council of Architects, 1954; Member, State of California, Board of Architectural Examiners, 1955; President, State of California Board of Architectural Examiners, 1958; Regional Director, California Region, American Institute of Architects, 1960-1963; When surveyed in 1962, Reynolds indicated that he was a Registered Architect in the State of California.

Fellow, American Institute of Architects (FAIA), 1958.


B.Arch., University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1928; M.S., University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1929; Graduate training in architecture, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1930;

Elected to Tau Sigma Delta, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1930.


Born in Santa Rosa, CA, Reynolds died in Alameda County, CA, at the age of 89.

His mother's maiden name was Haehnlen.

SSN: 569-28-3799;

PCAD id: 2744