Male, US, born 1905-10-21, died 1991-02

Associated with the firms network

Loveless, Arthur L., Architect; Lytel and Shorett, Architects; Shorett, LaMonte, Architect; Stoddard, George W., Architect

Professional History

Professional Activities

Shorett participated in American Institute of Architects, Washington Chapter activities in 1948.

Shorett served a one-year term as a Director of the AIA, Seattle Chapter, in 1965, appointed along with Fred Bassetti. Bassetti had a three-year term. (See "Elections," Architecture /West, 01/1965, p. 9.)


Biographical Notes

LaMonte Shorett's uncle was the prominent Seattle architect, Arthur L. Loveless (1873-1971).

SSN: 531-38-3066.

PCAD id: 2489