Male, US

Associated with the firms network

Doyle and Patterson, Architects; Doyle, Arthur E., Architect; Doyle, Patterson and Beach, Architects

Professional History


Draftsman, Whidden and Lewis, Architects, Portland, OR, 1907-1908.

Draftsman, Doyle and Patterson, Architects, Portland, OR, 1909-1913.

Draftsman, Doyle, Patterson and Beach, Architects, Portland, OR, 1913-1916.

Designer/Chief Designer, A.E. Doyle, Architect, Portland, OR, 1916-1926.

Professional Activities

Member, Architectural League of the Pacific Coast, 1913. Greene was one of the attendees at the league's annual conference in Portland, OR, on 06/09/1913. (See "League to Lead in City Planning," Oregon Daily Journal, 06/10/1913, p. 11.)



Like many architects of his time, Greene lacked formal, university-level training, but learned draftsmanship, composition and construction techniques on the job. He became a distinguished designer, taking on the role of Chief Designer within the prolific Doyle Office in the 1920s.


Greene served beer to minors at his parties, and was forced from his job as A.E. Doyle's Chief Designer and the city. He was also gay, and this contributed to his quick exit. He moved to Los Angeles, CA, and died there before World War II.

PCAD id: 2341