Male, US

Associated with the firm network

Gaylord, Grainger, Libby, O'Brien-Smith (GGLO), Architecture and Interior Design, LLC

Professional History

Partner, Grainger, Libby Baumgardner, Architects, Seattle, WA; Founding Principal, GGLO Architecture and Interior Design, LLC, Seattle, WA, 1986-present; in 2012, the GGLO web site indicated that Libby's 'key projects' included "Cabrini First Hill Apartments, Shorewood Heights, Stone Way Apartments, 6th and Lenora (Via 6) Apartments, Greenwood Piper Village West, Mount Baker Station Area Planning, Fort Lawton Master Plan." (See "Chris Libby AIA,", Accessed 07/11/2012.)

PCAD id: 2260