Male, US, born 01/24/1896, died 11/17/1975
Associated with the firm network
State Architect of California, Sacramento, CA, 1940-1962;
In 1961, the Western Architect and Engineer made critical comments about the State of California, Division of Architecture's designs for public buildings, especially those for public universities. It stated in 02/1961: "No legislation to 'abandon' the Division has yet appeared in Sacramento, but last month Assemblyman Thomas Rees introduced a bill to make the office of the state architect appointive. It became a civil service position during the tenure of the incumbent Anson Boyd." (See "The Specter of Scandal," Western Architect and Engineer, 221:2, 02/1961, p. 3.)
Born in Pennsylvania, Boyd died in Sacramento County, CA, at the age of 79;
An "Anson C. Boyd IV" graduated from Menlo College in 1992; Anson C Boyd IV, (916) 988-6591, Folsom, CA 95630; he works as a realtor in Sacramento, CA for William L. Lyon and Associates, 3640 American River Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95864;
SSN: 562-10-4834
PCAD id: 2073