Male, US, born 1912-06-08, died 2004-08-14

Associated with the firms network

Culler, Gale and Martell, Architect and Engineers; Culler, Gale, Martell, Norrie and Davis, Architects and Engineers; Martell and Brooks, Architects; Martell, Carroll, Architect

Professional History


Architect, US Government, Interior Department, Indian Sevice, Construction Division, Washington. DC, 1940.

Draftsman, Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, 1945-1946.

Draftsman, George M. Rasque, Architect, Spokane, WA, 1946-1948.

Principal, Carroll Martell, Architect.

Partner, Martell and Brooks, Architects, Spokane, WA, -1951.

Partner, Culler, Gale and Martell, Architects, Spokane, WA, 1953- .



B.S., Arch., University of Kansas, Lawrence KS, 1935.

Coursework, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1941.

College Awards

Recipient, University of Kansas, Alpha Rho Chi Senior Medal, Lawrence, KS, c. 1935.



Architect Carroll Martell was born in Stanton, ND, on 06/08/1912.

Martell died at Coupeville, Whidbey Island, WA, at age 92.

Associated Locations

  • Stanton, ND (Architect's Birth)
    Stanton, ND

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PCAD id: 1518