Male, US

Associated with the firms network

Widom Wein Cohen O'Leary Terasawa (WWCOT), Architects; Widom, Wein, and Cohen, Architects; Widom-Wein and Associates, Architects; Widom/Wein

Professional History

Partner, Widom-Wein and Associates, Architects, Santa Monica, CA, 1968-1977; Partner, Widom, Wein and [Adrian] Cohen (WWC), Architects, Santa Monica, CA, 1977-2000; Partner, Widom Wein Cohen O'Leary Terasawa (WWCOT), Architects, Santa Monica, CA, 2000- ; WWC merged with O'Leary Terasawa Architects to form WWCOT. WWCOT had three mergers after its combination with O'Leary Terasawa, and this conglomerated office, with offices in Santa Monica, Riverside, CA, Palm Springs, CA, Modesto, CA, and Shanghai, China, was later absorbed into the DLR Group.

PCAD id: 1188