Male, US, born 1958-01-27
Associated with the firms network
Holt Hinshaw Jones Architecture; Holt Hinshaw Pfau Jones, Architects; Jones, Partners: Architecture
Designer, Eisenman/Robertson, Architects, New York, NY.
Partner, Holt Hinshaw Pfau Jones Architecture, San Francisco, CA.
Partner, Holt Hinshaw Jones Architecture, San Francisco, CA, c. 1993.
Principal, Jones, Partners: Architecture, San Francisco, CA, 1993-1997.
Principal, Jones, Partners: Architecture, El Segundo, CA, 1997-
Winner (invited competition) Rotterdam Biennale 2001; Finalist, Flemington Jewish Community Center (national competition), 2001; 1999 Finalist (invited competition) New York Times Capsule; 1997 Winner (invited competition) Shanghai North Bund Plaza; 1997 Finalist (national competition) Union Square, San Francisco; 1996 Progressive Architecture Citation: High Sierras Cabins; 1994 Progressive Architecture Citation: Confluence Point Bridges and Ranger Station; 1994 Finalist (national competition) Patterns for Head Start Facilities; 1991 Finalist (invited competition) Rene Dubois Bioshelter; 1991 Progressive Architecture Citation: House for a Corporate Family; 1991 Progressive Architecture Citation: Tract House; 1990 Progressive Architecture Citation: UCLA Chiller Plant; 1989 Winner (invited competition) UCLA Chiller Plant; 1989 Progressive Architecture Award: Astronauts Memorial; 1989 Finalist (invited competition) Columbus Convention Center; 1989 Finalist (invited competition) U.S. Pavilion Expo 92; 1989 Juror's Award, American Society of Architectural Perspectivists; 1988 Winner (national competition) Astronauts Memorial; 1988 Progressive Architecture Citation: Bridgeway Science and Industry; 1987 Progressive Architecture Award: Right Away Redi-Mix; 1987 Finalist (national competition) Pacific Center for the Media Arts; 1987 Architecture Fellowship, New York Foundation for the Arts; 1985 Rome Prize in Architecture, American Academy in Rome;
Cadet, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1976-78.
A.B., University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA, 1980.
M.Arch., Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, 1984.
College Honors
“Distinguished Cadet,” United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1976-78.
A.B., Highest Honors, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA, 1980.
Master of Architecture with Distinction, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA, 1984.
Rome Prize Winner, American Academy, Rome, Italy. Jones became a Fellow at the American Academy in Rome.
Married Dora Epstein Jones, a UCLA-trained architectural historian. In 2018, she was listed as being a Lecturer at the Unviersity of California, Berkeley (UCB). She also was Coordinator of General Studies, Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles, CA. She became the Director of the Architecture + Design Museum (A+D Museum), Los Angeles, CA, in 06/2016.
PCAD id: 1153