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University of California Board of Regents
Approved an amendment of the budget for capital improvements and capital improvement program, south campus development, and parking and roadway improvements, UC Davis. The total project cost of $19.405 million, to be funded from external financing ($16,723,000), parking reserves ($1,682,000) and campus funds ($1 million). Also, regents approved a mitigated negative declaration and project design, and they approved external financing. The proposed project, to be located in south campus, south of the existing Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center in the area of parking lots 2 and 2B, would provide 1,600 parking spaces and related road realignment and site improvements. The 220,000 gross square foot parking structure would have a capacity of 700 spaces and 900 surface spaces. The project includes construction of a new intersection at Old Davis Road and California Avenue, an extension of Mrak Hall Drive to a new intersection with the realigned Old Davis Road, and roadways around a proposed one-acre Entry Quad."