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South County Fire Protection Authority and the Belmont Fire Protection District
Groundbreaking Ceremony September 19 Belmont, CA -- The South County Fire Protection Authority and the Belmont Fire Protection District are pleased to announce that the groundbreaking for the new Fire Station 14 will occur on Thursday, September 19 at 5:00 PM. The ceremony is scheduled to be approximately one-half hour in length. The address is 911 Granada Street, Belmont, near Ralston Avenue. The public is invited to this ceremony and parking has been arranged at the following locations: 580 Masonic Way - Belmont Video & DVD 570 Masonic Way - Bright Now Dental 470 Ralston Avenue - AM/PM Food store 600 Block (South Side) of Masonic Way EVRA Construction of San Francisco is doing construction of the fire station, Harris & Associates of Concord is the Project Manager, and Glass Architects of Santa Rosa designed the building. Construction is expected to take about one year to complete."