Originally accessed:
Tacoma Water
"Tacoma Water, the Regional Water Supply System (RWSS), and the USACOE are working in cooperation on the Howard Hanson Additional Water Storage Project. This project – a component of the Second Supply Project - increased the amount of water stored behind Howard Hanson Dam for use as municipal supply by increasing the surface elevation from 1147 feet (above sea level) to 1167 feet. This will increase the stored volume of water by approximately 75 percent. Concurrent with this increased storage volume, a new downstream Fish Passage Facility is being constructed to enhance survival and passage of out-migrating juvenile fish. This facility will predominantly take water off the top water elevations from the reservoir, rather than the deep elevations as is done with the current outlet structure. The downstream migration facility is not expected to be completed until 2013, however, storage for municipal use began in 2006 and has already been used to supplement Tacoma’s water supply."