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This website provided the official boundary lines of the Santa Anita Rancho, granted to hugo Reid in 1839, just after he became a Mexican citizen: "Starting from East Live Oak Avenue and 6th Avenue in Arcadia, a straight line went northwest to La Presa Avenue and Sunnyslope Boulevard (site of Sunnyslope Farm) in an unincorporated area. From here, a southwesterly lined continued jaggedly through the north part of San Marino High School and roughly curved around the Huntington Library grounds. Once pass Orlando Road, the boundary took a straight form in a northeast direction, cutting through Pasadena, and continued through Altadena until it reached the north end of Eaton Canyon Park. The boundary took a forty-five degree turn heading in a southeast direction to Eaton Canyon Reservoir, where it branched west paralleling Fairpoint Street to Hasting's Ranch Road and Ranch Top Road. Here, the line headed southwest through Sierra Madre to Auburn Avenue and Grand View Avenue and continued along Grand View past Vista Avenue and on to the eastern city limit of Arcadia. From here, the line followed along the east bank of Santa Anita Wash to Oak Haven Road and Whispering Pines Drive. Here, the line turned east and followed the course of Hillcrest Boulevard, beyond Myrtle Avenue to the terminus of Crestview Place in Monrovia. From this point, a southeasterly line went to the north end of Oakcliff Road, where it changed course at a forty-five degree angle heading southwesterly along the route of Norumbega Drive. The line maintained this direction all the way through Monrovia and eastern Arcadia back to the beginning point."