Originally accessed:
Lester Silva
"Again business was so good that he decided to open a fourth restaurant in Tacoma, Washington but those plans were later cancelled. Graham also tried opening a restaurant in Los Angeles, California at a site on La Ceinega Blvd. owned by the Gilmore Family. But, because of a clause in the contract Graham refused to sign and the restaurant never came about. to an end not because of the changing times but because of an opportunity that M.L. and Adelaide took in 1949. They were offered the concession at the new Seattle/Tacoma Airport. They became so busy with the extra site and the 125 new employees's that they started to close down the Coon Chicken Inn restaurants. The first to close was the Portland store in 1949, and then Seattle followed the next year. Salt Lake City lasted until 1957 as it was far enough away from the airport operation and was being separately managed at the time. Thus came to an end one of the most unusual and outrageous of all restaurants operated within the United States. This is an extremely brief history of the Graham Family and The Coon Chicken Inn restaurant chain. Thanks to Scott of the Graham Family for his help, information and kindness."