Originally accessed:
City of Palm Springs City Council
"HSPB 33--CAREY-PIROZZI House-651 Via Escuela. Recommendation: That the Council approve a Historic Property Preservation Agreement (Mills Act) with the Pirozzi Family Trust for the Carey-Pirozzi House, located at 651 W. Via Escuela. A4567. Director of Planning & Zoning reviewed the staff report. Councilmember Mills questioned if the designation follows property ownership. Director of Planning & Zoning stated that the designation can follow ownership and is reviewed annually and that if the site is not historically maintained then the agreement is violated and the designation is terminated. Minute Order 7163 as recommended was presented; after which, it was moved by Mills, seconded by Reller-Spurgin, and unanimously carried, Oden absent, that MO7163 be adopted."
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