"CLARENCE HANFORD, one of the firm of Lowman & Hanford, stationers and printers,of Seattle, was born in Seattle, May 13, 1857, being the youngest son of Edward and Abbie J. (Holgate) Hanford, of Ohio, but pioneers of Washington Territory, whither they came in 1854. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools and Territorial University of Seattle, and at the age of thirteen years engaged in that line of work which he has so successfully followed through life. In 1870 he began learning the printers' trade in the office of one of the pioneer papers, the Seattle Intelligencer, printed upon the old Ramage press, the pioneer printing press of the Northwest. Young Hanford worked in the office before and after school and on Saturdays, and he rolled the forms, printed the papers, and then took them about the town. From 1872 he gave his entire time to the business and then learned the practical work of type-setting and other details of the "art preservative," and subsequently became foreman of the establishment. In 1875 he went to San Francisco and attended the Washington Business College and also followed his trade up to December, 1876, when he returned to Seattle as foreman of the printing department of the Intelligencer. After about six months he bought out the job-printing department, which he thereafter conducted and thus established the nucleus of his present extensive business. During its incipiency the work of the office was performed with footpower presses and with two assistants. In 1879 J.H. McClair purchased an interest, and in 1880 Mr. Hanford made a prospecting tour of the Skagit river and British Columbia mines, returning to Seattle in 1881, when he resumed the printing business, bought his partners' interest, and continued alone until 1883, when he consolidated the printing business with the stationery business of J.D. Lowman and incorporated the Lowman & Hanford Stationery and Printing Company. With the increase of business large presses were added and they did the printing for all the papers of the city. This was continued up to the time of the great fire of June, 1889, when the entire establishment was destroyed. Before the ruins had ceased to smolder plans were made for rebuilding, and just two months later a two-story building was erected. Machinery was in place, operations actively instituted, and have since been steadily continued, With the demand for lithographic work in 1891 the company added a plant for that purpose and are now sending goods throughout the Northwest. The increase of business and the necessity of greater facilities resulted, in 1892, in the conversion of the two-story building into one of four stories, and by building over and around the original structure the new building was constructed from the foundation without interfering with the activities of the business. The present establishment is unmistakably the most complete of all north of San Francisco, and about 100 hands are kept steadily employed in the retail, wholesale and manufacturing departments. Mr. Hanford has devoted his entire time to the manufacturing, while Mr. Lowman supervised the salesrooms up to 1886, and when other matters demanded his attention J.N. Jackson was placed in charge of that department. Mr. Hanford was married in Seattle, in 1882 to Miss Eleanor Neff, of San Francisco. Two children have blessed this union: Amie Lois and Lauron. Mr. Hanford was a charter member of Harmonic Lodge, K. of P. In addition to his other representative interests he owns valuable improved and unimproved property in and about the city of Seattle."