Structure Type: built works - religious structures - churches

Designers: Graham, John and Company, Architects and Engineers (firm); John Graham Sr. (architect/engineer)

Dates: constructed 1911-1912, demolished 1966

2 stories

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6th Avenue and University Street
Downtown, Seattle, WA 98101

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Southwest corner of 6th Avenue and University Street; iMap


The Plymouth Congregational Church, founded in 1869, had two earlier homes before constructing this Georgian Revival building on the edge of the Metropolitan Tract in 1911-1912. It was designed by John Graham, Sr., who would found the important firm John Graham and Company, a firm led by his son, John Graham, Jr., after World War II.

Building History

The third facility for the Plymouth Congregational Church began with a cornerstone ceremony on 07/30/1911. The location was a lot on the southwest corner of 6th Avenue and University Street. Completion of the Georgian Colonial church, designed by English-born architect, John Graham, Sr., (1873-1955) occurred on 05/12/1912. The previous church was located on 3rd Avenue at University Street, which was replaced by theatre magnate Alexander Pantage's office and theatre complex.

Building Notes

The three-story brick structure adjoining the church's sanctuary was previously the College Club building moved from its site on the northwest corner of 5th Avenue and Seneca Street to the new 6th Avenue location. The church and steeple of Graham's design reflected Georgian church designs that continued the familiar Christopher Wren Church formula of the English Baroque era. A large, three-story wing on the corner of 6th Avenue and University, not typical of Wren churches, housed a variety of administrative and meeting spaces. On the 6th Avenue facade, the building had two stories, on the sloping University Street, an exposed basement gave it three.


The Plymouth Congregational Church #3 was demolished c. 03/21/1966. The four Ionic columns supporting the church's portico were saved after the demolition, and placed in a small .6-acre park on the northwest corner of Pike Street and Boren Avenue. Plymouth Pillars Park opened on 10/24/1967.

PCAD id: 5373