Structure Type: built works - commercial buildings - stores

Designers: Fey, William Henry, Architect (firm); McClelland and Osterman, Architects (firm); Thiry, Paul, AIA, Architect (firm); William Henry Fey (architect); Robert Fulton McClelland (architect); Hugo William Osterman (architect); Paul Albert Thiry Sr. (architect)

Dates: constructed 1941

2 stories

1405 5th Avenue
Downtown, Seattle, WA 98101

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Building History

The Crary Building #2 replaced the Crary Building #1 which stood on this site since 1908. The Seattle Times reported: “Wrecking of the Crary Building, six-story, 30-year-old structure at Fifth Avenue and Union Street will get under way June 1, to be followed by the erection of a modern two-story structure shown here in a sketch prepared by Henry Fey, architect. The new building is expected to be ready for occupancy early in October, according to the Metropolitan Building Company, management agent for this property.” (See "Crary Building To Be Replaced" Seattle Times, 05/25/1941, p. 34.) An earlier Seattle Sunday Times article indicated that this new building would be designed by W. Henry Fey and Paul Thiry, Sr.It stated: "PLans for the new building are being prepared by W.H. Fey and Paul Thiry, architects. Owner of the Crary Building is the C.D. Stimson Company, with the Metropolitan Building Company as its management agent." (See "Crary Building To Be Replaced," Seattle Sunday Times, 03/02/1941, p. 18.)

This property was purchased in 1952 by the Lincoln First Federal Savings and Loan Association. The bank paid$1,000,000 for the two-story property. It hired the Seattle architectural firm of McClelland and Osterman to remodel the mostly retail building for banking purposes. In 05/1952, a fur store and restaurant occupied the first floor, while a business college operated on the second. (See "Real-Estate Head Here Thursday," 05/11/1952, Seattle Times, 05/11/1952, p. 20.)

PCAD id: 24597