Structure Type: built works - dwellings -public accommodations - hotels

Designers: [unspecified]

Dates: constructed 1905

7 stories

166 Turk Street
Tenderloin, San Francisco, CA 94102

Building History

The Hotel Athens in San Francisco opened at an inauspicious moment, just before the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 04/18-19/1906. A classified advertisement for the hotel appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on 10/21/1905: "Athens (Hotel Athens), 166 Turk—A beautiful, new, sunny, 7-story brick building, with all modern conveniences; elegantly furnished suits [sic] and single rooms, with baths; European plan. Mrs. J.J. Anderson, Prop.” (See Hotel Athens classified advertisement, San Francisco Examiner, 10/21/1905, p. 12.)

PCAD id: 24235