Structure Type: built works - dwellings -public accommodations - hotels

Designers: [unspecified]

Dates: [unspecified]

315 K Street
Downtown, Sacramento, CA 95814

The Sacramento Hotel had an address of 73 K Street in 1855, this was on K between 3rd and 4th Streets.


The Sacramento Hotel changed ownership in about 04/1855, with Mrs. T.A Thomas taking over management. An advertisement in the Sacramento Daily Union of 04/23/1855 read: "Sacramento Hotel, No. 73 K Street, between Third and Fourth--The undersigned having taken and thoroughly refitted the above named Hotel, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of Sacramento and the traveling public, hoping by personal supervision of the culinary department, to render the table acceptable to all. In the place of a bar there is a large and comfortable reading room. Every exertion will be used to make it a pleasant and desirable home to those who patronise it. Mrs. T.A. Thomas" (See Sacramento Hotel advertisement, Sacramento Daily Union, vol. 9, no. 1273, 04/23/1855, p. 2.) Special mention was made in the ad to note how the bar, and presumably its rowdy patrons, had been removed from the premises by Mrs. Thomas.

PCAD id: 22656