Structure Type: built works - industrial buildings - factories

Designers: [unspecified]

Dates: constructed 1869

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Alameda Road and Cinnabar Street
San Jose, CA


Building History

Located on a two-acre parcel on the Alameda Road at Cinnabar Street in San Jose, CA, the Fredericksburg Brewery operated without interruption from 1869 until 1918. In 1880, the brewery produced 10,201 barrels, shipping its product all over the Bay Area and the Pacific Coast.Following Prohbition in 1933, the brewery reopened as the Pacific Brewing & Malting Company, and operated as this until it became the Wieland's Brewing Company in 1951. The Saint Louis-based Griesedieck family, brewers of Falstaff Beer, purchased the facility operating it as a West Coast manufacturing plant. It ceased operation in 1973, and was torn down in 1980. (See Brewery, "History of the Fredericksburg Brewery (1869-1889)," accessed 11/26/2017.) This sprawling complex had many changes over the years, including large-scale additions and remodeling in 1888.

Building Notes

In the early twentieth century, the Fredericksburg Brewery contracted with various bottling works across the West to package its beverage line. The bottlers included: Charles Maurer and Sons in San Jose; C. Schnerr and Company, Sacramento, CA; H. Loose, Lovelock, NV; Oakland Bottling Company, Oakland, CA; C.E. Roos, Seattle, WA; Hoefer and Mevius, Redding, CA; the Klamath Falls Agency, Klamath Falls, OR; H.C. Heidtmann, Reno, NV; and R. Luttrell and Son, San Diego, CA.

PCAD id: 21612