Structure Type: built works - dwellings -public accommodations - hotels
Designers: [unspecified]
Dates: [unspecified]
3 stories
The Hotel Pasadena was an prominent social and commercial center in 1880s Pasadena, It combined an inn with a post office, bank and real estate office. The three-story, frame building was notable for the diagonally placed corner turret, topped with a truncated, pyramidal roof. The roof almost had a Mansard character, typical of the then-popular Second Empire Style. Main entry was gained via the turret's first floor. Visitors had access to a balustraded, rooftop observation deck, and can be seen in the photo illustrated.
Building Notes
The Hotel Pasadena had a rectangular form, its simplicity complicated only by its diagonally-set corner turret. A compound hipped roof with a widow's walk covered the multi-purpose building. Clapboards sheathed the wood frame. Stores and offices lined the first floor, each illuminated by double-hung windows. The second and third floors housed hotel rooms, and were illuminated by double-hung openings. Wooden hood moldings hung above each second floor window. On the north facade of the second floor, the fenestration consisted of three pairs of windows and a single window, with the turret containing its own pair of windows and side lights, while the second floor's east side possessed six single double-hung openings. On the north facade of the third floor, two shed dormers separated by three tall chimneys, stood on the roof. A single shed dormer stood on the roof on the east facade of the front.
PCAD id: 21573