Structure Type: built works - dwellings - houses
Designers: [unspecified]
Dates: constructed 1928
2 stories
Building Notes
This small, 1 and 1/2 story, cross-gabled bungalow occupied a site placed close to the shore of Lake Washington. Entry from the road was down a flight of steps. The house had a shingled exterior. Other bungaloid details included elbow brackets on the house's gable side, exposed rafters and a shed dormer for a second floor bedroom facing the lake.
The first floor plan contained two bedrooms along the south wall, living and dining rooms on the east facing the lake, and a kitchen in the northeast corner. A garage stood to the west of the southwest bedroom and the kitchen. The dwelling contained a single bathroom, placed between the kitchen and the southwest bedroom. The upstair contained space for another bedroom.
This house was mostly demolished when the noted furniture maker Evert Sodergren (1920-2013) renovated it according to designs by the architect Ralph D. Anderson (1924-2010) in 1970.
PCAD id: 19665