Structure Type: built works - dwellings - houses - apartment houses

Designers: Lindsay, F.L., Architect (firm); Frank L. Lindsay (architect)

Dates: constructed 1915

3 stories

330 Cedar Avenue
West Gateway, Long Beach, CA 90813

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F.L. Lindsay, a Long Beach-based architect, designed the three-story, Renaissance Revival Style Silver Bow Apartments at 330 Cedar Avenue in 1915. Built with a brick veneer, the exterior displayed some relatively complex brickwork, particularly on the first level lined with parallel courses. The front facade had a tripartite composition, with a narrow central section surrouned by symmetrical bays. Two Chicago windows illuminated the rooms on either side of the central entry/stairway space. The main entry was recessed and slightly sheltered by a balcony carried on paired supports. Identical balconies opened on each floor above.

PCAD id: 19136