Structure Type: built works - dwellings - houses

Designers: Miller, Edward A., Architect (firm); Edward A. Miller (architect)

Dates: constructed 1906-1907

A drawing for the James House appeared in the Seattle Sunday Times, 09/06/1906, with the caption: "When completed the above handsome country home at Vashon Landing, Vashon Island, will be occupied by John James, of this city. Architect Edward A. Miller drew the plans." (See "Vashon Island Residence," Seattle Sunday Times, 09/09/1906, p. 38.)

A proposed, the James House was two stories in heights, with a hipped roof covering the second floor. The fenestration was composed of variously sized, irregularly-placed windows, both arched and standard double0hung types. Like many houses of designed and built c. 1905, corner bays projected on four sides. Its most outstanding feature was the wraparound porch that covered all sides of the first floor.

PCAD id: 16770