Structure Type: built works - agricultural structures; built works - agricultural structures - silos
Designers: [unspecified]
Dates: constructed 1855, demolished 1882
The real estate magnate, James Lick (1796-1876) built this flour mill on his Santa Clara agricultural estate. Here, Lick, a piano maker turned farmer, raised fruit trees and provided a granary for the storage of wheat and other grains raised on his farm and those of his neighbors. The complex included a mill, granary and millpond. The flour mill burned down in 1882; a distillery, Union Distilling, transformed Lick's flour-making buildings into an alcohol-production facility by 1902. The land remained used for industrial purposes by the Western Grain and Sugar Products, Western Carbonic Gas, American Salt and Chemical and Commercial Solvents and Chemical Companies until the 1970s, when its corporate owners sold it to a real estate developer, who built the Mansion Grove Apartments. On the Mansion Grove grounds, the farmhouse built by Lick in 1858-1860 remained and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.
PCAD id: 16753