AKA: City of Albuquerque, Albuquerque International Sunport, Albuquerque, NM
Structure Type: built works - infrastructure - transportation structures - airports
Designers: The Richardson Associates (TRA) Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Interiors (firm); Phillip Lee Jacobson (architect)
Dates: constructed 1989
The Seattle architecture firm, TRA, worked on three U.S. airports at about the same time, Albuquerque International, Mahlon Sweet (Eugene, OR), and McCarron International (Las Vegas, NV), in the mid-to-late 1980s. Phillip L. Jacobson, Design Director of TRA, was the Partner-in-Charge for Albuquerque International and Mahlon Sweet.
Tel: 505.244.7700 (2010);
PCAD id: 15194