Structure Type: built works - dwellings -public accommodations - hotels

Designers: [unspecified]

Dates: [unspecified]

112 Occidental Avenue South
Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA 98104-2518

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Building History

The Queen City Hotel operated c. 1898-1913 in the Pioneer Square area of Seattle, WA. Peter Bressler was the manager from at least 1898 until 1901, when the hotel occupied the building at 112 Occidental Avenue. In 1898, the hotel's stationery read "Two blocks from depots and ocean dock." (Thank you to David Locke for sending [on 05/18/2016] the author a letter written by his grandfather, John Florence, to his great grandfather, James Florence, using Queen City Hotel stationery on 05/09/1898.)

Building Notes

In 1896, the Queen City Hotel had competition in the Hotel Northern, Hotel Butler, Hotel Diller, Rainier-Grand Hotel and the Victoria (formerly the Arliington Hotel).

According to the Florence letter (cited above) writtten on 1898 Queen City Hotel stationery, the hotel's rates were: "Single rooms 50 c., 75 c. and $1.00 per night. Rooms by the week $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50."

A well-known, 174-room Queen City Hotel operated in Cumberland, MD, beginning in 1871, operated by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.


In 1896, a advetisement in the Seattle Times indicated that the Queen City Hotel had been recently upgraded: "South Second Street, five doors from Yesler Avenue and Occidental Block. In the business center. Renewed from top to bottom. Entire new management. Cleanliness and house comfort. Rooms 35 to 50 cents a day." (See Quuen City Hotel ad, Seattle Times, 01/06/1896, p. 7.)

PCAD id: 14643