Structure Type: built works - dwellings - housing - student housing; built works - public buildings - schools - university buildings
Designers: Spencer and Ambrose, Architects (firm); William Clement Ambrose (architect); Eldridge Theodore Spencer (architect)
Dates: constructed 1954-1955
2 stories
The twin dormitories, Crothers Hall and Crothers Memorial Hall, were built seven years apart, in 1948 and 1955, respectively, sharing a common courtyard. Crothers Memorial historically housed graduate students in engineering, while Crothers accommodated graduate students in law. Spencer and Ambrose, Architects, were the architects of both structures; Eldridge T. Spencer (1893-1978) served the Campus Architect for Stanford during the 1950s.
In recent years, engineering students occupied Crothers Memorial Hall.
PCAD id: 13084