Structure Type: built works - dwellings -public accommodations - hotels

Designers: Lenzen, Jacob, Building Contractor (firm); Jacob Lenzen Jr. (building contractor)

Dates: [unspecified]

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The Auzerais House was one of San Jose, CA's most luxurious hotels in the 1860s and 1870s.

Building History

An advertisement in the Daily Alta California newspaper advertised the upcoming opening of Auzerais House on 04/16/1863: “This new and commodious Hotel will be opened for the reception of guests Thursday, the 16th inst. It is elegantly fitted up, and has all the conveniences of a first class house. There are fine suits of rooms off each floor, with bath rooms attached, and in all its appointments it will compare favorably with the best hotels of the State. The undersigned, by strict attention to the comfort of guests, hopes to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. E.W. Churchill.” (See “Auzerais House, San Jose, Santa Clara street, between First and Market,” Daily Alta California, vol. 17, no. 5497, 03/25/1865, p. 3.)

J.M. Staples and his sons operated the Auzerais House in 1870 and could accommodate 150 guests per night. (See The San Jose City Directory, 1870, p. 52.)

PCAD id: 12553