Male, US, born 1894-03-22, died 1963-11-20

Associated with the firm network

Devine, Harold J., Architect

Professional History


Draftsman, Dean and Dean, Architects, Sacramento, CA, c. 1924. Principal, Harry J. Devine, Architect, Sacramento, CA.

Professional Activities

Devine was listed as a member of the San Francisco Architectural Club who had joined the military during World War I. (See "List of Architects and Draughtsmen in Military Service," The Architect [San Francisco], vol. XV, no. 6, 06/1918. p. 349.)



In 1924, Devine resided at 1405 41st Street in Sacramento, CA. (See Sacramento City Directory, 1924, n.p. Search under "Devine.")


His mother's maiden name was Dilke.

Biographical Notes

SSN: 550-42-7930.

PCAD id: 784