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Male, US, born 1888-08-17, died 1977-11-13

Associated with the firms network

Ashley and Evers, Architects; Evers, Albert John, Architect; Meyer and Evers

Professional History


Partner, Ashley and Evers, Architects, San Francisco, CA, -1923. In 1922, Ashley and Evers had their office at 58 Sutter Street in San Francisco. (See Crocker-Langley San Francisco, California, City Directory, 1922, p. 1725.)

Partner, Ashley and Evers, Architects, San Francisco, CA, and Los Angeles, CA, 1923- ; in 10/1923, Ashley and Evers opened a new office in Los Angeles, in addition to the original one in San Francisco. George Ashley took charge of the Los Angeles space in Room #518 of the Mortgage Guaranty Building, while Evers remained in control of the original at 58 Sutter Street. (See "Personals," American Architect and Architectural Review, CXXIV: 2432, 11/07/1923, p. 12.)

Fellow, American Institute of Architects (FAIA), 1934;


Evers was born in Iowa and died in San Francisco, CA, at the age of 89; home address (1956): P.O. Box 113, Ross, CA;

SSN: 551-18-5595;

PCAD id: 764