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Male, born 12/08/1919, died 01/29/2002

Associated with the firm network

Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM), Portland, OR

Professional History

Insurance Agent, Charles Sexton, Portland, OR, c. 1937-1943; Sergeant, United States Army Air Force, Lowery Base Technical Training Command, Denver, CO, 1943-1946; Ritz sold insurance, c. 1946; Draftsman, Pietro Belluschi, Architect, Portland, OR, 1946-1951; Chief Draftsman in Charge of Production, Belluschi and Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Portland, OR, 1952-c. 1970; General Manager/Associate Partner, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Portland, OR, 1970-1982; Principal, Richard Ellison Ritz, Architect, Portland, OR, 1982-2002.

Ritz became one of the leading architectural historians of Portland, OR, publishing several important works; he was named Editor of A Guide to Portland Architecture (1968), written on the occasion of the American Institute of Architects convention held in Portland, OR, and Honolulu, HI, that year. Member, American Institute of Architects, National Committee on Future Conventions, 1969; Vice-President, American Institute of Architects, Portland Chapter, 1977; President, American Institute of Architects, Portland Chapter, 1978; Member, American Institute of Architects, National Financial Management Task Force, 1978; Member, Portland Landmarks Commission, Portland, OR, 1987-1998;

Fellow, American Institute of Architects, 1987; Emeritus, American Institute of Architects, 1991.


Coursework, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, 1935-1936; Ritz was forced to withdraw after one year due to financial hardship;


Born in Colfax, WA, Richard came to Portland, OR, after the premature death of his father.

His father, Henry Ritz, worked as an insurance agent, who died early in Richard's life. His mother was forced to support the family; Ritz had a brother, Harold.

Richard Ellison Ritz married Evelyn Robinson in 1940; she was the sister of Ritz's brother, Harry's, wife.

Member, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, OR; Member, National Trust for Historic Preservation;

PCAD id: 5300