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Male, born 1953-01-28

Associated with the firm network

Gilmore Associates

Professional History


Architect, New York, NY, prior to 1998.

Founder, Gilmore Associates, Los Angeles, CA, 1998-present. Gilmore started this real estate development firm with Jerri Perrone. His investments in Downtown Los Angeles were diverse. In 11/2002, for example, he, Perrone and a third partner, Peter McLaughlin, opened Pete's Cafe, a long-time Downtown gathering spot at 400 South Main Street that lasted until 2014. It was sold to Josef Centeno, who changed the venue's name from "Pete's LA" to "Ledlow Swan" in 12/2014. (See (See Jenn Harris, Los Angeles, "Pete's L.A. in downtown renamed Ledlow Swan," published 12/15/2014, accessed 03/20/2023.)



Gilmore moved from New York to Los Angeles in 1994.

PCAD id: 4269