Male, born 1868-12-07, died 1942-05-20

Associated with the firms network

Harrington, Howard and Ash; Waddell and Harrington, Engineers

Professional History


John Lyle Harrington was one of the premier bridge engineers of the twentieth century in the United States, having been responsible for over 200 bridges during his long career.

Chief Engineer, Locomotive and Machine Company of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, -1907.

Partner, Waddell and Harrington, Kansas City, MO, 1907-1914.

Partner, Harrington, Howard and Ash, Kansas City, MO, 1915-1928.

Partner, Harrington and Cortelyou, Incorporated, Kansas City, MO, 1928-1942. Harrington and Cortelyou remained indepenent until it was acquired by Burns and McDonnell of Kansas City, MO, in 2010. The firm became known as "Harrington & Cortelyou, Inc., a Burns & McDonnell Company."

Professional Activities

President, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1923-1924.

Member, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Board of Directors, Washington, DC, c. 1932.



Ph.D., Engineering, Case School of Applied Sciences, Cleveland, OH, 1930.



John Lyle Harrington was born in Lawrence, KS.

Harrington died in Kansas City, MO, and was buried at Forest Hill Calvary Cemetery.

Associated Locations

PCAD id: 3429