Male, born 1934-10-30

Associated with the firms network

Goetz, Hallenbeck and Goetze, Incorporated; Hallenbeck, Chamorro and Associates, Architects

Professional History


Partner, Goetz, Hallenbeck and Goetze, Incorporated, Architects, Oakland, CA, 1970- . Partner/Manager/Design Principal, Hallenbeck, Chamorro and Associates, Alameda and San Diego, c. 1990-1997. State Architect, State of California, Sacramento, CA, 1991- . Governor Peter Wilson (b. 1933), former Mayor of San Diego, named Hallenbeck, who lived in San Diego at the time, to the post. (See "Hallenbeck Appointed to Be State Architect," Los Angeles Times, 09/15/1991, accessed 03/27/2015.) Vice-President and Director of Planning, Vanir Construction Management, Sacramento, CA, c. 1997-2002.

Professional Activities

This firm prepared an Environmental Impact Statement for Albany Hill Development, Interstate General Corporation, (San Francisco:Environmental Impact Planning Corporation, and Oakland: Goetz, Hallenbeck and Goetze, Incorporated, 1972.)

Professional Awards

Fellow, American Institute of Architects (FAIA).



Coursework, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, c. 1951. Coursework, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1956. Hallenbeck did not graduate.



Born in Oakland, CA, Hallenbeck attended one year at Santa Clara University, and spent several years at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), without graduating. While in Army ROTC, he spent time training in El Paso, TX. In 1970, Hallenbeck lived at 64 Bellevue Avenue, Piedmont, CA, 94611. He moved to San Diego, CA, c. 1980, and resided in Sacramento, CA, in c. 1991.


He married Donalee Hallenbeck.


Hallenbeck had five children, and, in 1997, had had 17 grandchildren.

Associated Locations

PCAD id: 2880