Male, US

Associated with the firm network

Pfeiffer Partners, Architects

Professional History

Architect/Director of Business Operations, HHP Associates (HHPA), Ltd, Los Angeles office; Architect/Business Manager, Pfeiffer Partners, Architects, Los Angeles, CA, c. 2012;


B.S., Design, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; M.Arch., Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; M.B.A., Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.


His biography on the Pfeiffer Partners web site stated in 2012: "Steve Epstein has significant experience in both business management and project management for the design services industry. Since joining the firm in 1998, he has contributed poignantly to the evolution of the accounting, financial management, project management, contract management and human resources functions in the office, implementing updated software and systems, and instilling new policies as needed, particularly in the transition from HHPA to Pfeiffer Partners. He oversees the project staffing process for the firm, continuously projecting and balancing needs and resources. In addition, he has been responsible for the firm’s interface on insurance and legal matters and plays a key role in the budgeting and financial planning efforts." (See Pfeiffer Partners Architects, "People,"Accessed 04/16/2012.)

PCAD id: 264