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After reviewing the proposals, the Library Board recommended a plan submitted by Mr. John C. Austin, a Los Angeles Architect well known for his municipal work in that city. Again, heated battle raged between the Library Board and the City Trustee's over the'completeness'of the sketches offered. Modified instructions were published in the local newspapers with only four revised plans returned. A joint meeting between the municipal combatants was held on January 29, 1908, wherein Mr. Austin's plans were officially accepted by the City. Local and Los Angeles press were very complementary of the design chosen, a spacious two story 58x80 foot, pressed brick and concrete structure, an interior of Oregon pine, capped with a tile roof. Copywriters waxed poetic describing the'handsomest small public building in Southern California,'with its'spacious lobby, outside porch and Doric columns.'" written by Stephen J. Faessel;
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