Structure Type: built works - dwellings - houses

Designers: Byrd, Robert, Architect (firm); Robert Lee Byrd (architectural designer/building contractor)

Dates: constructed 1948

total floor area: 2,915 sq. ft.

12048 Laurel Terrace
Los Angeles, CA 91604


This two-floor residence had many rustic elements, board and batten siding, shake roofs, Dutch doors, fieldstone floors, variegated brick walls, exposed roof beams, and prominent, wrought-iron hardware on cabinets, doors and shutters. The garage featured a large bird house, a pun on the designer's name, that apparently became a trademark of his designs.

Building Notes

In 2015, this three-bedroom, three-bath house occupied a 14,248-square-foot lot. It had an asking price of $1.98 million in 12/2015.

PCAD id: 22673