Structure Type: built works - industrial buildings - factories; built works _ industrial buildings - processing plant

Designers: [unspecified]

Dates: constructed 1907

6 stories

100 M Street
Roosevelt, Fresno, CA 93721

The Fresno, California, City Directory, 1913, (p. 92), indicated the Fresno Brewing Company Brewery was located on the south end of M Street.


Wisconsin brewer Ernst Eilert erected his Fresno Brewing Company on a 20-acre parcel on M Street in Fresno, CA. Originally, Eilert built a 6-story brewery where his firm produced High Grade Beers and distributed Appolinaris Mineral Water. Eilert also built this two-floor, brick warehouse and office building in 1907 that has survived to the present.

Building History

In 1913, W.J. Eilert was the President of the Fresno Brewing Company; his lieutenants included Fred Hunzicker, Secretary-Treasurer and C.H. Sayre, Assistant Secretary.

Building Notes

The building's bands of tall, thin Romanesque arched windows were often used in brewery construction during the 19th century. This stylistic vocabulary was popular with both German-born brewers and their often German-born architects.


The main portion of the brewery complex was demolished in 1955.

National Register of Historic Places: 84000773 NRHP Images (pdf) NHRP Registration Form (pdf)

PCAD id: 21258